What is KDA?
Digital currency that is used to pay for compute on the Kadena public chain.
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Digital currency that is used to pay for compute on the Kadena public chain.
Last updated
import PageRef from '@components/PageRef' import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
Digital currency that is used to pay for compute on the Kadena public chain.
KDA is a digital currency that is used to pay for compute on the Kadena public chain. Similar to ETH on Ethereum, KDA on Kadena is the manner by which miners are compensated for mining blocks on the network and is the transaction fee that users pay in order to have their transactions included in a block.
Kadena’s Token Economic Model describes the total supply, liquidity schedule, allocation and platform reserve uses of KDA. A full text of Kadena’s Token Economic Model is here, and recent update here.
The total supply is fixed at 1 billion tokens to be mined over 120 years
Current circulating supply can be found on the Kadena Block Explorer.
Resources and guides for securing, managing and moving KDA are available here.