
import YouTube from '@components/YouTube'; import PageRef from '@components/PageRef' import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';


1. Chainweb, Kadena’s (layer 1) public blockchain protocol

Chainweb is a braided, parallelized proof-of-work consensus mechanism that improves throughput and scalability while maintaining the security and integrity found in Bitcoin.

In 2020, Kadena's public blockchain performed a live network expansion from 10 chains to 20 chains. This doubled throughput, proving the network's ability to scale in production to meet ever-higher demand.

Informational Resources


Resources for interacting with Kadena’s public blockchain are available here.


2. Pact, Kadena’s smart contract language

Pact is a human readable and Turing Incomplete smart contract language purpose-built for blockchains with powerful security features including full Formal Verification of user code, error messages, contract upgradability, support for interoperability, and strong permission and access control.

Informational Resources


Resources for using Pact are available at the Public chain interaction page.


Informational Resources


Resources for deploying Kuro are available at the Private chain deployment page.


4. Kadena's layer 1 + 2

With 20 chains, the Kadena blockchain platform achieves an industry-leading 480,000 transactions per second.

Informational Resources


Resources for deploying Kuro are available at the Kuro layer 2 deployment page.


Last updated